Technical Analysis Indicators Patterns
We begin this module by understanding how human emotions play a role in determining chart patterns.
Every trend comes to an end to make way for new ones. This chapter highlights Reversal patterns that indicate the present trend is ending.
This chapter will reveal the interesting shapes and patterns stock prices take, and what they mean.
Moving averages in technical analysis help smoothen out stock price fluctuations. In this chapter, we learn all about moving averages and how to benefit from them.
Stock trading hinges on timing as it can make or break your trade. Here we learn what is timeframe in technical analysis and how to use it.
What is common between lily, buttercup and daisy? The number of petals in each of these flowers is a Fibonacci number! Find out the significance of Fibonacci retracement in technical analysis.
What comes around goes around – this is applicable to stock markets too. Read on
Indicators can be your strongest weapon in the technical analysis if you can master the rules. Check here.
This chapter shows how momentum indicators in technical analysis help identify trends and movement of prices.
Now that we understand some types of indicators, let's move to the meaning and role of top and bottom indicators or divergences, and how to spot them in charts. Be mindful, as this can be tricky.
Knowing the future can be very profitable for a trader. Elliott Wave Theory is one such tool that can help you predict turning points in the market.
This chapter throws light on Volume Profile, an auxiliary trader's tool that helps to determine the significant levels that a trader should take into account while trading.
You might have occasionally heard 'gap up' and 'gap down' opening of Sensex or Nifty. Learn about these gaps here.